Risk Profiling - Insurance - WHS - Sustainability
Green Insurance Brokers provides a number of risk services. The starting point in any Green Insurance engagement is the developing of an insurable risk profile, risk retention and risk appetite analysis. This reduces the potential for over or under insurance. Being insurance risk advisers is a major point of difference separating us from the many sellers of insurance products.
Risk Profiling
All aspects of risk profiling are provided, including enterprise wide, project specific and insurance policy specific. Core risk areas such as physical, financial, legal, and people are addressed. Risk profiling can be done through varying combinations of desktop, online and workshops. Self-insurance risk tolerance and appetite levels are also addressed. Our experience from conducting many risk assessments is mobilized.
Insurance Broking
In addition to risk advisory, the full suite of traditional broking services are provided with a particular emphasis on pro-activity, planning and best practices including pre-insurance renewal strategies being established 3 months in advance, and a hands on approach to getting claims settled. A foundation of our insurance broking services is the incorporation of clients positive risk management practices into insurance negotiations.
Worker Health and Safety
Workers Compensation costs are often one of the highest components of insurance. Sound injury prevention and claims management practices health are fundamental to controlling these costs, and most importantly to lowering the risk to workers. In addition, the consequences for Directors of poor WHS practices have never been higher. We have a dedicated, highly qualified (and experienced) resource inhouse, to assist clients in this extremely important area.
Sustainability Advisory
Green Insurance’s mission is to support business sustainability as well provide insurance solutions that help achieve this. We have in-house expertise than can help identify sustainability opportunities and initiatives, and manage stakeholder engagement strategies and plans, data collection and reporting, and media and social media.
Insure Your Unique Risk Profile
Insurance policy coverage options in combination with premium competitiveness and insurer capabilities, are designed for each client’s unique risk profile, policy coverages can include:
- Industrial special risks
- Construction insurance
- Business interuption
- Contractors all risks
- Motor vehicle fleet
- Contractors plant & equipment
- Environmental Liability
- Professional Indemnity
- Workers compensation
- Cyber
- Marine
- General & Products Liability
Insurer ESG Guidance
In addition to developing Green Insurance products for sustainable businesses, we also provide guidance in respect of who are considered by independent third parties as more “green” insurers.