Renewable Energy

A powerful Partnership
Green Insurance has partnered with one of the worlds leading renewable energy insurance specialists, Price Forbes. This partnership creates a unique combination of local presence and international expertise, encompassing a global power portfolio of 300,000 MW across all project risk areas and phases.
2.4 GW+
solar risks placed
20 GW+
wind risks placed
2.5 GW+
hydro risks placed
500 MW+
geothermal risks placed
Understanding Project Risk
We understand the unique insurance pricing risk drivers for renewable energy projects.
Low NatCat risks
Good ground conditions and site accessibility
Country security and culture
Good local relationships
Non/low prototypical aspects
Reliable supply chain
Well documented approvals
Robust warrenties
Sound health and safety processes with quality detection and preventative measures
Proven track record in similar projects
Company culture
Financial strength
Good claims record
Proven quality assurance and quality control
Proven execution skills along the risk chain
Grid Connection
Distance to connection points
Age and condition of grid
Maintenance programme
Redundancy and availability measures
Quality of supply chain
Reliable risk matrices
Project management and operational procedures
Sourcing of spare parts
Site storage procedures
Extent of maximum loss scenarios
Protecting revenue Streams
The single biggest risk can come from non-owned assets. Contingent risks can pose a major threat, both to project construction and commercial operations. We recognise the interface and potential schedule gaps between the project assets ‘inside the gate’ and the non-owned ‘outside the gate’ facilities. We advise on how to protect against delays and interruptions that can heavily impact project schedules and revenue streams.
Renewable Energy Industries
The Green Insurance – Price Forbes partnership can provide unique risk and insurance insights into major areas of the renewable energy sectors including:
Solar Energy
Learn More about Green Insurance’s Solar Packages
Wind Energy
Learn More about Green Insurance’s Wind Packages
Battery Storage
Learn More about Green Insurance’s Battery Packages